Spiritual Postpartum Depression

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Have you ever labored to bring forth your God-assignments, calling, gifts, talents, and purpose only to feel disconnected and disengaged once you have given birth to them?  The Holy Spirit recently revealed to me that we are experiencing "Spiritual Postpartum Depression" when this happens. "Spiritual Postpartum Depression" is when we give birth to our assignment and calling, then the enemy steps in and convinces us that we do not have what it takes to nurture and bring it to full maturity.

The phrase "Spiritual Postpartum Depression" is similar to Postpartum Depression, which some women go through after giving birth to a baby. A mother feels disconnected and lacks affection towards her baby. She withdraws and finds it very difficult to get excited about what God has allowed her to bring forth, which is the life of her baby.

Withdrawing from what we have given birth to is not God's will for our lives! When God gives us our calling and shows us our purpose, He desires to nurture it and bring it to full maturity. He does not want us to leave our calling on the back burner and ignore it. Just like a mother, after giving birth, connects with her baby, breastfeed the baby, and provides them with love, attention, and affection, God wants us to do the same with our spiritual babies. We cannot allow "Spiritual Postpartum Depression" to steal our passion from our assignments, calling, gifts, talents, and purpose.

How do we move from being in a "Spiritual Postpartum Depression" state to actively nurture what God has given us?

In this month's Speaking Encouraging Words Blog, I will be sharing three strategies that will move you from being in a "Spiritual Postpartum Depression" condition to actively engaging in your assignments, calling, gifts, talents, and purpose. I pray you will meditate on these strategies so that you can see a breakthrough in your life.

Strategy #1- Acknowledge where you are currently sitting

You have to acknowledge your perception and attitude towards your assignments, calling, gifts, talents, and purpose.  If you are in a season where you don't look at yourself or the things God's called you to do in ministry the same as you did when you first gave birth to them, you have to go to God and ask Him why this has happened. Why have you become detached from what you have brought forth? You have to be transparent with God. He can reveal the exact moment your calling, gifts, talents, and purpose went from being a blessing to a burden. He has the answers you need, but you will not receive the response if you are not willing to be transparent and honest with Him regarding your current position.

Strategy #2- Shift your thinking about what God has called you to do

Remember, God calls us to do His work. If God has given you the plan, strategy, wisdom, and strength to give birth to your calling, you need to make sure He is involved in everything you are doing. Sometimes we lose our love for the things God has called us to do because we believe our success relies upon our strength, but it doesn't.  Shift your thinking by remembering your first love.  Remember how you felt when you first received Jesus into your life or when God gave you a glimpse of what He was calling you to do. You were excited! Just like a mother who finds out that she is pregnant! She is excited and can't wait to see her baby grow up and be all he or she can be. God wants us to feel the same excitement for our assignments, calling, gifts, talents, and purpose. There is a legacy in the assignments, calling, gifts, talents, and purpose you have given birth to, so you can't stop nurturing your baby! Others will be blessed by your commitment to stay engaged with your assignments, calling, gifts, talents, and purpose.

Strategy #3- Don't believe the "I Can't" lie

Why would God give you a dream and then tell you that you cannot do it or don't have what it takes to bring it to its fullness?  The answer is, God would not do this. Jesus told His disciples they would heal the sick, cast out demons, and lead many to eternal life through Him. Jesus told the disciples what they were called to do. Their calling was to lead others to Him, and they did not succumb to the "I Can't" lie. The proof of this is God's inspired Word, the Bible, written by these disciples that we use to encourage us in our faith with Jesus.

Be aggressive in dismantling the lies you tell yourself, what others say to you and what the devil tells you regarding assignments, calling, gifts, talents, and purpose. Meditate on scriptures that remind you of who God created you to be. Psalm 139:14 says, "I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful." Philippians 4:13 says, "I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me." These are just two scriptures you can meditate on, but there are so many more in the Bible. Take time to research the Word of God to find powerful scriptures that will dismantle the "I Can't" lie.

If God has given you the wisdom and courage to give birth to your assignments, calling, gifts, talents, and purpose, then He will provide you with the resilience to see them mature into a legacy. Tell the enemy, "not on my watch." The time is NOW for you to pick up your assignments, calling, gifts, talents, and purpose and began to engage and nurture them the way God intended.

God not only called you to push your assignments, calling, gifts, talents, and purpose out, but you still have what it takes to nurture them to full maturity. I declare you are not disconnected from what you have given birth to. You may have lost your excitement for a moment, but you are coming out of your "Spiritual Postpartum Depression" state. It's time to pick up your baby and begin to nurture it. Say to the enemy, "You will not steal my assignment, calling, gifts, talents, and purpose. You are waking up and walking out of your "Spiritual Postpartum Depression." You will live out and accomplish everything God has allowed you to bring forth!

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