Release Your Dreams

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We should not be so mesmerized with our dreams that we fail to do the work to fulfill them.

I love to dream about the things God has for me. I see myself speaking, teaching, and motivating people to live beyond their expectations. However, sometimes I can become so mesmerized by what God reveals to me that I fail to do the work needed for the dream to come to the past.

When I want to stay in the mesmerizing phase of my dreams, I have to quickly tell myself, “Cynthia, it won’t come to pass if you don’t prepare every area of your life to accommodate what God is calling you to do.” So, I have to reset the priorities in my life and plan to do the work that will birth the dream God has shown me.

If we want our dreams to come to past, the dreams God has shown us repeatedly, then we will have to be committed to putting in the work to seeing the vision come to pass. You will have to sacrifice somethings, like staying up late, studying your craft, prioritizing your time, and using resources to see your dream come to pass, but it will be worth it. Imagine if the Wright Brothers, Alexandra Bell, or Benjamin Franklin did not do the work to see their dream come to pass. We would not be flying on airplanes, talking on cell phones, and using electricity. There is always work associated with seeing your dreams come to pass. Your dreams were never meant to remain in your head. Every detail of it needs to be manifested in the earth. God did not give us our dreams to think about them over and over. No, He gave us dreams so that we can bring them to past and fulfill His purpose for our lives and the lives of others. Prepare the way for your dreams to be released.

I encourage you to make a personal plan for your dreams. Write down what God is showing you, and ask the Lord what needs to be done to execute the plan for your dreams. Habakkuk 2:2 says, “Write the vision and make it plain on tablets, that he may run who reads it.” So, all you will need to get started is a pen and paper. However, be prepared to put on your spiritual running shoes because you will have to put in the work. It’s time for your dreams to have a life outside your mind.

Let’s not hold our dreams captive in our minds any longer. God’s plan is for them to be Released!

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