Breaking Vicious Cycles

Breaking Vicious Cycles

“Breaking Vicious Cycles”

Why do we experience the same negative incidences over and over again?  Many of us can look back and pinpoint where negative situations have replayed in our lives like a scratched record.  The people and locations may be different, but the heartbreak, disappointment, and discouragement are all too familiar.

This way of life is not normal! God did not send His son Jesus Christ to die for our sins so we could live out unhealthy and unfruitful cycles. He came to set us free from vicious cycles and lead us into virtuous cycles that bring forth favorable results in our lives.

How do we break vicious cycles from reoccurring in our lives? In this month’s Speaking Encouraging Word Blog, I’m sharing four strategies I believe, when followed, will help dismantle perceptions that fuel these vicious cycles. Each strategy will require your full participation and commitment. My prayer is that you not only grow through your process but that you will be able to help others break free from their vicious cycles as well.

Now let’s get to work; we have some vicious cycles to break!  

Strategy #1: Be Transparent 

Be honest about your participation in these vicious cycles. Write down the choices you’ve made that provided an open invitation to things that gave momentum to these vicious cycles. It’s easy to point the finger at other people, but we also bear some responsibility for what we have gone through. You can’t heal if you don’t reveal. Be open and honest to begin the healing process.

Strategy #2: Ask for Forgiveness

Forgive yourself, and forgive others who may have caused hurt and pain. Sometimes it isn't easy to forgive ourselves, but it is necessary to break cycles in your life. You don't want to memorialize and revisit your mistakes; this is unhealthy. 1 John 1:9 says, "if we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness." God has forgiven you and will give you the strength to forgive others. All you have to do is ask Him; He is Faithful!

Strategy #3: Establish Boundaries

In order for you to break the vicious cycles in your life, you will have to establish firm boundaries. This will not be easy and may be uncomfortable, but it is necessary and worth it. I encourage you to write down at least three areas where you would like to establish boundaries. Examples of some areas are EmotionalFinancial, and Sexual. Under each area, annotate what you will accept and tolerate, and also what you will not accept or tolerate. Make a commitment to hold firm to what you will not accept or tolerate, and reject anyone who makes you feel uncomfortable or stressed about your decision. Setting boundaries is healthy and keeps us from walking into vicious cycles designed to steal our peace and our time. John 10:10 says, "Jesus came that we may have life, and have it more abundantly." (paraphrased). Jesus' desire is for us to have a life full of purpose so we can fulfill our destiny. Set your boundaries and keep moving ahead!

Strategy #4: Create Virtuous Activities

Virtuous cycles bring forth favorable results in our life. Now that you have set your boundaries, it’s time to implement healthy activities to create virtuous cycles. I encourage you to pray and ask God to reveal what activities He wants you to implement in your life. We are all unique, so allow the Holy Spirit to speak to you regarding what activities He desires to create. Once He reveals it to you, write them down and immediately sow your time and whatever resources you have into these activities. Again, commit to staying engaged with the activities so that it evolves into a virtuous cycle. As long as you are alive, it’s never too late to make adjustments to the activities in your life to align them with the plans and purposes of God. God empowers you to make changes in your life to see His will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Make these changes, and don’t look back!

As you seek Him, my prayer is that He will reveal even more of His strategies, wisdom, and revelation on how to break vicious cycles in your life. He always gives us an open invitation to seek Him so that we can know His plans for our lives.  

I declare, “You are a Cycle Breaker!”

Cynthia B. Jackson

Speaking Encouraging Words-S. E. W.

“Live Beyond your Expectation!”

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