Embrace Your Uniqueness

Embrace Your Rudolph Uniqueness-December 2020-Picture.png

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Recently, I was in a department store, and I heard the famous Christmas song Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer. I have listened to many versions of this song my entire life. However, as I sang along, these lyrics were highlighted in my spirit: 

"All of the other reindeer

Used to laugh and call him names

They never let poor Rudolph.

Join in any reindeer games.

Then one foggy Christmas Eve

Santa came to say

"Rudolph, with your nose so bright

Won't you guide my sleigh tonight?"

Then how the reindeer loved him

As they shouted out with glee

"Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer

You'll go down in History."

Yes, I know Rudolph is a fictional character, and there is no such thing as flying reindeer, but this song bears a resemblance to many of our lives. How many of us have experienced rejection because we are different? I don't know about you, but I have had many Rudolph moments. I was different, and I knew it, yet I campaigned and lobbied to be a part of cliques and participated in activities not aligned to my purpose and destiny. 

As I sang along with the song, I remembered scenes from the Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer movie. In the film, Rudolph covers his nose and finally gets accepted by the other reindeers. However, the acceptance was short-lived because the covering came off, and it revealed his shiny red nose. And just like they had done in the past, the reindeer rejected him because he was different. Rudolph didn't understand why his nose was shining so bright, or why he didn't look like all the other reindeer. In his eyes, his nose was a distraction, and it kept him out of the game. However, this was far from the truth. His nose had a purpose, but he did not realize it. He was so busy trying to change who he was just to “fit in”; he missed the significance of his uniqueness. 

Rudolph's nose was unique because it was part of his purpose. You and I are created unique because we, too, have a purpose that is part of God's plan. You may be saying, "my gifts and talents are insignificant and are not worthy of being put on display for others to see." Or you may have decided to cover-up who God called you to be to “fit in” with those around who you cannot see the purpose in your uniqueness. But I want to encourage you to dismantle the lie that is not rooted in God's truth regarding who you are. Psalm 138:8 says, ….do not forsake the work of your hands. If God will not forsake the work of His hand in your life, why should you? 

When there was a lack of vision for the assignment, Rudolph's unique shiny red nose was called upon to lead the way. He thought his nose was a distraction, but it was actually an asset. I believe God is calling on you and me to lead the way for those who vision is foggy regarding their uniqueness. God's light will illuminate our abilities to help lead others to the revelation of their unique gifts and talents. The rejection we may have experienced for being different is an indication that God has a specific assignment for our life.  

As I write my last blog for 2020, there are two Speaking Encouraging Words-S.E.W quotes I'd like to leave with you.

“Don’t deny your gifts and talents the opportunity to be revealed because others have rejected them." 

“Don't hide your gifts and talents because they don't look like anyone else's; they're not supposed to."

My prayer is you will ask the Lord to reveal opportunities for you to use your uniqueness to lead the way for others. It's possible you, too, will go down in History.

Have a Merry Christmas and a Blessed New Year!

Cynthia B. Jackson

Speaking Encouraging Words-S. E. W.

“Live Beyond your Expectation!”

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