You are Overdue- It's Time for You to Execute

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Has God ever told you to do something, but you never executed on His instructions? You may have thought, “I have failed so many times that I can’t see myself succeeding in anything.” If you’ve had this thought and allowed it to prevent you from following through in doing what God is calling you to do, then I believe you are overdue, and it’s time for you to execute!

Okay, I will have a transparency moment; I used to disregard what God was calling me to execute faithfully. It wasn’t because I could not hear Him. Oh, I could hear Him loud and clear. But other voices would remind me of all my past failures. These voices were my kryptonite, and I willingly allowed them to snuff out God’s voice. I gave them my full attention, which always delayed the things God was calling me to execute beyond their appointed time. 

My past failures were deep-seated in my life. Many of you may or may not have heard my testimony regarding my educational journey, but I failed every grade and had to go to summer school every year except for 10th grade. I had begun to think that something was off if I did not fail at things in my life. So, as you can imagine, failure was normal for me. I knew how lousy failure felt, and I did not want to experience the pain, so I did not execute anything God asked me to do because I was afraid of failing. I allowed my failures to be louder than my faith in Jesus, and because of it, I ignored God’s voice, dismissed His instructions, and bowed down to my past experiences of failure.

Through prayer and reading God’s word, I eventually learned that although I may have experienced many failures in my life, failure was not my identity. It’s not who I am in Christ, and it’s not who you are in Christ. You may have failed in some things in your life, but you are not a failure. 

I want to encourage you not to allow your past failures to become stumbling blocks that prevent you from executing what God is calling you to do. When Moses told the children of Israel that he would not cross over with them to the promised land, he gave them an encouraging word in Deuteronomy 31:6, which says, “Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid or terrified because of them, for the Lord your God goes with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you.” Although the children of Israel had experienced many failures up to this point in their journey, God told them this was their appointed time to cross over; it was time for them to move and execute on into the promised land. They could not ignore this moment and go into overdue status. If they wanted to live in the land God had promised to Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, they had to execute. God not only told them to be strong and courageous, but He reminded them that He was going to be right there with them and would not forsake them when they arrived in the promised land. Just like God encouraged the children of Israel, He is encouraging us today to be courageous in executing the plans He has for us so we can have all that He has ordained for us to have. He is going to be with us, and He will not leave us as we move forward.

It is no coincidence that you are reading this blog. If you have been waiting and debating on executing the things God is calling you to do, then I come to prophesy to you through this blog and tell you that the time to execute is Now! If you want to go back to school, start a business, be a missionary, be a pastor, or be the leader of a corporation, take the step of faith and execute what God has shown you. He will be with you as you walk out what He is telling you to do. You already know what it is, so I encourage you to step out so that His word can be fulfilled in your life.

Our past failures should never keep us paralyzed and stagnant. Your promise land is waiting on you, but you will have to execute to occupy! Don’t become overdue in your execution; your time is now!