Fear is An Illusion

Fear is an illusion

When I was a young lady, fear was my kryptonite. I lived my life looking through the lens of fear. Every situation that I would go through, fear would remind me that I would be on the losing end. It was not until I got into the Word of God and learned that fear was not my friend. I no longer had to listen to, agree with or believe in what it was saying.

There are 365 scriptures in the bible that has the words “Fear Not”- one for every day. The words “Fear Not” are prophetic and so timely in the season that we are living in.

Today, you may be feeling fearful, scared, and anxious, but I want to encourage you to know that the words “Fear Not” are for YOU today just as they were for those in the bible who were facing huge obstacles.

Don’t allow fear to tell you how it will end; allow Faith to come in and remind you that you will WIN!!
