God Will "Flip The Script"


We have all heard the term, “flip the script”. The term means to do the Unexpected. God is the master of “flipping the script”. He has shown us through many testimonies in the bible, that whenever a person, entity or situation arises and seeks to threaten His Purpose and Destiny for our lives, He steps in and “flips the script”.

He did it in the book of Esther. When Haman thought he had written the master script to destroy the Jewish people, God stepped in and “flipped the Script”. The Jewish people were not destroyed and still lives to this day. He did it in the book of Daniel. When an evil script was written to destroy the lives of Shadrach, Meshach, and Abed-Nego in the fiery furnace, God “flipped the Script” and they came out of the fiery furnace untouched- not even smelling like what they had gone through.

But the most important script that God flipped was in the birth, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. In the book of Genesis, the serpent thought he had an advantage over humanity, but God sent His Son, Jesus Christ into the world to be the sacrifice for our sins. It was through the resurrection of Jesus Christ that God revealed that the script had indeed been flipped. We now get to walk in His Power and Authority in the earth.

I want to encourage you to believe that just as God “flipped the script” for Daniel, Esther and humanity, He can “flip the script” in your personal situation. Don’t believe the lie that it’s all over and you will live in this season forever. God can and will “flip the script” in your situation; He is able to do the unexpected- Yes, even for YOU!

Receive and Believe it, because it is the Truth!

Cynthia Jackson