Why Your Why Matters


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“Why Your Why Matters”

Knowing your why is important because it will give you the drive and fortitude to focus and be intentional about setting goals aligned with your professional and personal pursuits. 

John C. Maxwell, who is a leadership expert, speaker, and author, once quoted-

"Find your WHY, and you'll find your WAY."

Discovering your "Why" will help direct your life in the right direction with Purpose. But more importantly, knowing your "Why" matters because you matter. Unfortunately, many people will sleepwalk through life, not desiring to know why they are here or don't need to discover a purpose to guide their actions. But this is not the case for you reading this blog.

I believe knowing your "Why" will help pave the way for you to do GREAT things in this world. Everyone wants to make an impact, but we want to make an impact where it matters. So, I challenge you to ask yourself two questions as you ponder on "Why your Why Matters"-

Do my professional and personal goals align with my strengths, gifts, and talents?

Will my professional and personal goals and assignments that I am pursuing have a positive impact on my life, my family, and my community?

Let's look at the first question. Do my professional and personal goals align with my strengths, gifts, and talents? Be honest with yourself. Be bold in deep diving into this question. Are you pursuing higher education, a new job, or a title because it aligns with your strengths, gifts, and talents, or do you want more money, more authority, and a better title?

If you are pursuing higher education, a new job, or a title just for the money, you may be disappointed if you cannot meet the demands of the position. The money will be there, but there will be no fulfillment in what you are doing. I have worked in HR for over 21 years and have seen many people take positions for the money and the title, only to be stressed out and unfulfilled in their job.

Remember knowing your "Why" is just as valuable as an increase in your paycheck. In other words, be very careful not to accept a position or move into other professional areas if it is not aligned with your "Why."

The second question is, will the professional and personal goals I am pursuing positively impact my life, my family, and my community? Remember, your "Why" is not just about you. Establishing a solid and impactful "Why" will make a difference in your life and the lives of those you do "life" with and support daily. 

My passion for coaching and encouraging helps those around me think differently about themselves and others. Why? Well, to help others do things they thought they could not do; this is my "Why."

My question to you is, why are you doing what you are doing? Is it just for you, or do you want to leave a lasting legacy that will impact others when you are no longer here?

Remember, your "Why" is your anchor. It keeps you focused and motivated to pursue your professional and personal goals. Your "Why" will become your GPS, leading you to grow, succeed in your career, and fulfill your Purpose in life!

John C. Maxwell said, "Find your WHY, and you'll find your WAY." This is your challenge for today!

Cynthia B. Jackson

Speaking Encouraging Words-S.E.W.

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