It's Time to Pray!

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We live in a world that is constantly changing. Behaviors that were once deemed unnatural and against God's word are now being marketed as acceptable. Policies and statutes that would have never been considered nor thought of are now being written into law. These laws are impacting our marriages, children, communities, and our nation and not for the glory of God. I have asked God, "Lord, where do we go from here?" How can we come against the systems of the world but still walk in the love that you told us to display for one another?" I felt the Holy Spirit say, "The strategies you need to overcome the problems you are facing are going to be revealed when you pray." When we pray, we find God's instructions and the courage we need to move in the direction He has called us to walk in. Matthew 6:33 says, but seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you. When we pray, our perspective on what is going on around us will align with and reflect God's perspective regarding our situation. We will no longer settle for talking about our nation's problems, but we will pray, seek God's kingdom perspective, and reject voices that contradict God's plans for our families, communities, and nation.  

Why do we pray? We pray because God has called us to pray, and our prayers change our situations. We pray because what we say in prayer directly impacts the lives of those near to us, far from us and future generations. Satan wants to mute our voices and stop us from declaring God's word and praising Him. He knows that God's word in our mouth with our faith is a "weapon of mass destruction "to his camp. He desires to keep us talking about things happening in the world's systems so we cannot discern and declare what God is releasing in the spirit for us to activate with our prayers.

In Acts chapter 12, Peter was placed in jail by King Herod. King Herod was killing and harassing people in the church, and when he saw that it pleased the Jews, he apprehended Peter and placed him in jail. But the church prayed for Peter, and through their prayers, God sent angels on assignment to set Peter free from prison bondage. The power of prayer has not changed from Peter's time to now! The same power released through prayer by the church then is still available to be released through the church today!

We are the body of Christ! We are not hopeless nor helpless! We have the word of God on the inside of us, and it is time we begin to declare His word in prayer. My prayer is that we don't allow our emotions and biases to get in the way of our spiritual assignment, which is to pray.

Through prayer, we have the power to set the captives free and bring deliverance to those who are bound in sin and shame. The power of Jesus Christ needs to be released through prayer! Don't allow Satan to bind your tongue; you have the power and authority through Jesus Christ to bridle his lying tongue! He is a liar, the father of lies, and when he speaks, he is lying. (John 8:44) He will never tell the truth because it is not in his nature. So, if you hear a voice say, "your prayers will not change anything, so why keep praying." You command that voice to be silent, and then you begin to pray and declare the promises of God over your family, community, and nation. We activate the word of God in our life when we pray!

  • It's time for us to pray for our neighbors, even if they disagree with us!

  • It's time for us to pray for our cities, even though it looks like everything is in disarray!

  • It's time for us to pray for our children— those who forgot about God and are entangled in sin!

  • It's time for us to pray for our five-fold ministry; Apostles, Prophets, Evangelists, Pastors, and Teachers. They need our covering as they labor for the great harvest!

  • It's time for us to pray for the nations!

I am encouraging you to activate your prayer life! It's time for you to open your mouth and begin to pray in Jesus' name for things grieving your heart. Don't waste your words complaining about what's going on around you. Invest your words in prayer; when you do, you will be sure to receive a return on your investment, not only for this generation but generations to come. 

Don't delay; it's time for us to Pray!

Cynthia JacksonComment