The Altar of Our Heart

The Altar of Our Heart

In Judges 6:25, God instructs Gideon to tear down his father’s altar to Baal and build an altar to Him. Gideon decided to do what God asked him to do. He took ten men, and they tore down Baal's altar and built an altar to the Lord. Everyone wasn’t excited about what Gideon had done. His actions caused quite a stir in the city and almost cost him his life. Despite his actions' controversy, the scripture reveals that his obedience to God’s instructions paved the way for their deliverance. 

Do you have altars in your heart occupied by unfruitful idols that need to be dismantled?  I know I have had idols in my heart that I have had to dismantle with the Lord’s help. Attitudes such as jealousy, envy, and pride have aggressively tried to usurp my allegiance to Jesus and set up a throne in my heart. I continually have to ask God to examine my heart and show me its true landscape. It is during these times that He reveals the exact places where I have constructed false altars and are worshiping idols.

I have to be honest; I don't always like what He reveals. And just like Gideon, the task of tearing down these false altars can be intimidating and fearful.  In many instances, there is a history attached to them that make me feel good, but not be better. However, I’ve learned to be aligned with God’s presence, power, provision and see His plans come to pass in my life; I have to tear down the altars and renounce the idols. God has shown me in His Word, and throughout my life that He is not in the business of sharing the place in my heart that He has designed for only Him. God makes it clear in His word that we shall have no other gods before Him, or make any idols for ourselves (Exodus 20). Our heart, mind, and soul belong to Him, and He has no space for roommates.

I want to encourage you and share some simple but powerful reminders that will give you the confidence to tear down false altars and idols in your heart, and build up an altar that will only accommodate the presence of God. 

  • Be Transparent-  

Ask the Lord to examine your heart to reveal the places where you have not surrendered to Him. David asked God to search His heart. I believe David asked God to explore because he knew God’s light would reveal the truth in every chamber of his heart. Only God can do this in-depth search. Psalm 139-23-24 says, "Search me God, and know my heart; test me and know my anxious thoughts.  See if there is any offensive way in me, and lead me in the way everlasting

  • Overcome Fear with Faith- 

Declare that Fear has no place in your life. It may be uncomfortable to tear down the false altars and walk away from idols that you believe are important and make you feel good, but walking away from the act of dismantling false altars and idols due to fear is not an option. Just as God instructed Gideon to tear down his father’s Baal altar in the face of fear, He is requiring you and me to look fear in the face, and declare, “I will not allow you to stop this demolition project”! Ideas, thoughts, and habits related to the false altars and idols are coming down. 

  • Follow God’s Instructions-

Ask the Lord for a divine strategy to tear down the altars of the false gods in your heart. Gideon did not have to figure it out on his own. God told Him precisely what needed to be torn down and what needed to be built up. He knows your uniqueness and will provide you with the spiritual tools and instructions required to tear them down. Just ask Him; He will answer.

  • Believe in Miracles-

Remind yourself that there is breakthrough and change on the other side of your obedience to God. God is not asking you to tear down these altars and renounce these false gods to leave you empty. No, No, No. His desire is to fill you up with His presence, thoughts, and ways. He wants to increase your faith in Him. Gideon's confidence grew, and as a result, He brought deliverance and victory over the Midianites, who had oppressed them for many years.

Intimidation and fear will conspire against your efforts. But just remember, God has already given you everything you need to push past the intimidation and fear, and do what He has called you to do!

Grab your hammer! False altars and idols are coming down!

Cynthia B. Jackson

Speaking Encouraging Words-S. E. W.

“Live Beyond your Expectation”

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